Sunday, April 6, 2008

Feringhee: The India Diaries

Feringhee: The India Diaries

Checkout photos of monks from Tibet expressing themselves: photos by Sirensongs who lives "somewhere on the Great Asian Road between Kathmandu, Kailash, & Kashmir, India".

Her disillusionment and childhood memories of "Tintin In Tibet" have led her to adventures throughout India, Nepal and Sri Lanka (Tibet and Bhutan are next on the list).

Sirensongs is "inordinately proud of her ability to read street signs and argue (successfully) with taxi drivers in Malayalam, Tamil, Hindi, French and Nepali languages. Her Tibetan, however, is still a total disgrace. She's working on it."

Quote: "Why do people go to India to find themselves? India is where you go to LOSE yourself."



Mel Avila Alarilla said...

You are tagged. Please go to my blog- Random Thoughts, and read my latest post "10 Reasons Why I Blog." After reading it, please make your on post on "10 Reasons Why I Blog," then copy the tagboard after the meme and add your name next to mine. Then tag as many persons as you could, giving them these same instructions. Please copy and include the tagboard after your meme and instruct those you will tag to do the same. This will ensure a tremendous surge in the number of traffic and viewers in our respective blogs. Do this and see how traffic and viewership figures in your blog increase exponentially. Thank you very much and God bless.

Sirensongs said...

Thanks for the link! Greetings from Kathmandu.